ESPAÑOL: Four Paws. Wee-Wee Entrenador para cachorros y perros. Ayuda a acelerar el entrenamiento doméstico. Fabricado con plástico resistente de fácil cuidado. Medidas de la bandeja 22.75 pulgadas de largo (57.7cm) 22 pulgadas de ancho (55.79cm) 1.5 pulgadas de alto (3.89cm) paredes desmostables de 7 pulgadas de altura (17.8cm)
ENGLISH: Four Paws. Wee-Wee Almohadillas On Target Trainer. A special go-to place for puppies and dogs. The patented design helps speed up housetraining and eliminates messes caused by dogs missing the pad. The on target trainer is designed to keep a dog centered on the pad and properly positioned for perfect aim. No misses or messes on floors and carpets and no unsightly clutter from a loose pad lying on the floor. The pad hoder tray features a built in front clamp, wich keeps any standard size potty pad firmly in place and secure drom playful puppies or slippery floors and carpets. Made with durable plastic for easy care and lifetime use, the unit snaps securely together in seconds. Tray size measure 22.75 inches l x 22 w x 1.5 h with 7 inches high removable walls.
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